Is There a Difference?
The real answer is yes. There is a difference between marketing and advertising even though these two terms get intertwined in their use. For many, they are used interchangeably without any problem in context to the conversation.
Our tag line: “Better Marketing for Better Business” is a part of our mission statement, and then we further identify ourselves as an advertising agency. This is because we do both – marketing as well as advertising. On a high level, marketing is the overall process – the strategy for growth for the coming year(s), identifying the target customer, as well as market research. Advertising is about the campaigns and decisions about which media to purchase (media planning), as well as the purchasing of the media, and the creative, which includes the words and graphics to be used.
Below you will find a definition of both, if this interests you. Keep in mind, people may use these marketing and advertising synonymously.

Marketing is……
Marketing is the big umbrella, which everything else falls under. It is the overall process and involves first identifying the objectives of the business, and then planning the strategy to meet those objectives. Marketing then will establish metrics, when possible, on how to measure the results to see if the actual plan is accomplishing what it is intended to do. Is it driving the desired/anticipated results? Specific functions in the marketing arena may include market research, content marketing (what is the message), and then working to purchase the media – which may be done in house or through an advertising agency.
Advertising is…..
To put it simply, advertising is to get the end user (consumers) to purchase the product or service. To get them to buy something, or buy something more often. It facilitates the brand awareness, and depending on the company, will either purchase the advertising within the company or utilize an advertising agency to make the purchases on their behalf. Media planning, media buying, and artwork creation may fall under the responsibilities, as well as finding ways to creatively get the message out to consumers. This could be television, radio, newspaper, or the internet.