This piece of advertising is often overlooked by businesses today and the benefits are not thought of as much as in years past. It isn’t the effectiveness, as much as it may be just not budgeting for it or for promotional material being more of an afterthought.
Promotional Material is a great way for a business to promote itself for the following reasons:
- A nice way to say thank you to an existing client
- A great way to show appreciation to some of your better/best clients
- Keeps your name in front of your existing clients after they purchased from you
- Helps drive name/brand recognition
- Sticks around for a long time
Today’s studies show businesses who use promotional material grow their business more than those who do not. This may be the chicken or the egg question, but certainly something to consider.
Promotional Materials have seen price decreases with the increase of a more global economy. There is fierce competition driving the prices of promotional items down, which has brought prices down for the local promotional companies, who are basically middlemen for these larger, sometimes international companies.

Be Creative and Have Fun
Promotional Items can be effective with some of the basic things people think about when they think of promotional advertising. Things like pens, magnets, stickers and note-pads.
How about car air fresheners or chip clips, or toys with your brand on it? A little more creative possibly and less likely a chance of getting lost in the shuffle.
Find a way to make your give-away sticky. Make it something someone would use or have around for a while, keeping your name in front of them.
Who can’t afford to give a loyal customer something with your business name on it that costs less than a dollar? That dollar will, or should, give you a solid return on your investment and promote good will for your customers.